Middle class teaching plan My home teaching plan reflection

Middle class teaching plan My home teaching plan reflection

1. Reflection on the middle class teaching plan and my home teaching plan

  design background

  In the usual conversations with young children, when I asked, “Whether Mom and Dad love you, where did you see it?” Several children answered no, because Mom and Dad would beat him and not give him snacks. The child is still young, he does not understand that there are many forms of parental love. How to make children feel the warmth and happiness of the family requires teachers to constantly stimulate children’s inner emotions in the teaching process and teach them what true love is.

  Activity goal

  1. To enable young children to clearly state their father, mother and their own name, home address and place of work.

  2. Help young children to understand the relationship between family members.

  3. Experience the happiness of a family together.

  4. Show the cute side of the child in the activity.

  5. Cultivate children’s keen observation ability.

  main difficulty

  The focus of this lesson is to let children learn to observe books, distinguish the identities of characters from them, and arouse their interest in reading books. I do this primarily by guiding young children to read large books.

  activity preparation

  A family photo. Operate the card “My Home”.

  activity procedure

  1. Talk introduction

  1. Children, who sent you to the kindergarten every morning? Where did you get to the kindergarten? Who picked you up in the afternoon? Where did you get home?

  2. Who is in your family? How many people are there? Where do they work? (Guide the children to talk about their family members, and the teacher will give appropriate language supplements)

  3. Ask the children to introduce their family to their peers and teachers with their family photos. Whose name and home address is in the introduction photo? Use the language “This is my **, this is my **”.

  Ask: Who are the people in your photos? What are their names? Where does your family live? What good things do you have in your home? Do you like your home?

  Then guide the children to tell how their family members take care of themselves. (Children Discussion)

  4. Ask the children to read the operation cards to consolidate the new knowledge they just acquired (Mom and Dad)

  5. Summary: Each of us has a happy family. There are many people who care about you and love you. You are really happy and happy.

  2. Appreciate the nursery rhyme “I have a happy family”

  .Question: Children, do you like going to kindergarten?

  Student: I like it.

  Teacher: Why?

  Student: Kindergarten is like my home.

  Teacher: You are awesome! (Thumbs up) Do you love Teacher?

  Health: love.

  Teacher: What does the teacher look like to you? (Like our parents)

  Teacher: You are so cute. (Ding Gua Gua makes a smiling face)

  3. End part

  Carry out the “My Home” role game activity, with 3 young children playing the role of father, mother and child.

  teaching reflection

  During the activity, I identified the key entry point of the teaching activities, “love relatives, love home, and experience the love of family members”, so that children can communicate independently and have more opportunities to express themselves. During the activity, the children have a strong interest, everyone wants to talk, everyone wants to talk, and they are especially willing to talk. Therefore, in the activities, group discussions and exchanges should be strengthened, so that children have more opportunities to show.

2. Reflections on the excellent theme teaching plans of the middle class “I grew up” with reflections

  Subject description:

  For the children who have just entered the middle class, they are excited and proud to be the older brothers and sisters in the kindergarten. I feel very strong about myself growing up. In this theme, according to the changes in children’s bodies, guide them to explore the mysteries, and let them initially form good living hygiene habits, and experience the process of interacting with others. In it, it will bring you happiness.

  Theme goals:

  1. Interested in the changes of one’s own body and age, willing to take care of personal hygiene with common sense.

  2. Like companions. Under the guidance of adults, they are willing to care about people they are familiar with, and learn to share happiness with their companions.

  3. Like to express your own ideas and hobbies, and show confidence in your behavior.

  4. Care about teachers who like you, and take the initiative to communicate and explore with teachers.

  Theme activity content:

  General: First day of school

  Activity goal:

  1. Stabilize children’s emotions and stimulate children’s positive emotions to be middle class children.

  2. Do routine awareness and work, knowing the new position of your seat, towel, teacup, bed.

  3. Guide the children to talk about the holidays in front of the group and share with their peers.

  Society: We are promoted to middle school

  Activity goal:

  1. Knowing that I have grown up and become a child in the middle class, I have a sense of pride in being a child in the middle class.

  2. Actively participate in the group selection activities, and find ways to adjust the problems that arise during the group selection.

  Summary: I’m awesome

  Activity goal:

  1. Further feel your own growth, enhance your self-awareness of “I have grown up”, and experience the joy of growth.

  2. Be able to perform generously and confidently in front of the group, show yourself, and have a sense of pride in growing up.

  3. Know that one’s growth is inseparable from the care and help of parents, teachers and other adults, and develop feelings of respect for them.

  Art: me

  Activity goal:

  1. Learn to boldly draw the subtle parts of your face in the mirror.

  2. Know yourself and know that you are different from others.

  Society: I am the little master of the class

  Activity goal:

  1. Know that you are the little master of the class and be willing to serve the class.

  2. Learn simple labor methods (such as: wipe the table, window sill, drawer, etc.), and experience the joy of labor.

  Music: We are children in middle class

  Activity goal:

  1. Learn to sing songs, get familiar with tunes, and initially master the singing methods of dotted notes and syncopation.

  2. Experience the sense of honor of being a child in the middle class.

  Story: Bear wants to grow taller

  Activity goal:

  Appreciate the story, basically understand the content and plot of the story, and read it gently page by page, and understand that small trees, like bears, can also grow and change.

  Summary: I am on duty today

  Activity goal:

  1. Learn to be a duty student and have a good desire to serve the collective and others.

  2. Understand the work content of the on-duty students, and be willing to do what they can.

  Language: Teacher’s hand

  Activity goal:

  1. Knowing that the teacher’s hands are very capable and can do many things, he is willing to learn various skills from the teacher.

  2. Understand the content and structure of poetry, and initially learn the skills of reciting poetry.

  3. Have love and respect for teachers.

  Music: nice to meet you

  Activity goal:

  1. Feel the joy of the song, experience the joyful emotions of dancing and communicating with friends.

  2. Able to sing with a pleasant, moderate voice.

  Synthesis: interviewing friends

  Activity goal:

  1. Have the awareness of actively interacting with people, be willing to make more friends, and try to get to know friends in the form of interviews.

  2. Able to ask questions politely, and try to express my thoughts in clearer language.

  3. Like to make friends and experience the pleasure of interacting with friends.

  Handmade: my good friend

  Activity goal:

  1. Try to boldly make it on the paper plate with various means to express the facial features of your good friend.

  2. If you encounter difficulties in the activities, you will take the initiative to ask your teacher or peers for advice.

  3. Cultivate children’s interest in sports.

  4. Be willing to participate in sports activities and feel the happy experience of helping people with difficulties.

  Language: friend ship

  Activity goal:

  1. Germinate interest in participating in literature reading activities.

  2. Know that friends should help each other, especially when friends are in need.

  Sports: It’s a pleasure to cooperate

  Activity goal:

  1. Be able to actively and happily participate in activities, learn to cooperate with peers, and experience the happiness brought by successful cooperation.

  2. Able to perform various actions in a coordinated manner, with quick responses and rapid movements during activities.

  Music: the more friends the merrier

  Activity goal:

  1. Initially learn to sing songs, and use happy singing to express the relaxed and happy taste of songs.

  2. Further experience the joy of being with friends.

  Language: Unity, Friendship, Love and Love

  Activity goal:

  1. People who can understand unity and friendship have many friends, and further experience the happiness of having many friends.

  2. Get a general understanding of the meanings of refraining words: solitary, happy, deserted.

  Handmade: Gifts for Friends

  Activity goal:

  1. Learn how to make gifts by folding, cutting, pasting, drawing and other methods.

  2. Be willing to use your brain during the activity and try to make creative gifts.

  3. Will take the initiative to ask teachers and peers for help when encountering difficulties.

  Environmental creation and resource utilization:

  Living area: There are several dolls that can be dressed and undressed, and children are asked to help the dolls to dress and undress.

  Reading area: Provide books about growth, so that children can freely read books to feel the joy and pride of growing up.

  Observation area: Children can understand their current growth by comparing themselves in the mirror with their childhood photos, see the changes in their growth, and further feel the joy of growth.

  Art area: Provide brushes and art paper, let children draw their own and experience happiness.

  Doll’s house: rich plots such as bringing dolls to do housework and games.

  2. Parents are asked to accompany the children to read some children’s books about spring.

  Kindergarten: Arrange wall decorations that reflect growth.

  In terms of family education:

  Parents are asked to use various resources and ways to help children understand the joy of growing up, and actively guide them to understand the pride and pride of being a middle class child. Parents can suggest that parents take their children to observe outdoors on rest days, learn to communicate with others, and experience the benefits of communication. Happy to come.

  Activity summary and reflection:

  After studying and living in Class Three for one school year, the children were promoted to Class Three, came to a new environment and a new classroom, and felt that they had grown up a lot. The development of the theme of “I have grown up” just meets the current needs of children. We can clearly see that after the child enters the middle class, his performance desire and learning ability have improved a lot compared to before. When we saw some children crying in kindergarten, several children would surround her and say: Don’t cry Yes, children in the middle class can’t cry. It is obvious that the child already has such a consciousness and feels that he has grown up. Many things I want to try by myself, so we will focus on giving full play to the initiative of the children and let them know that they are the masters of the third class. From guiding the children to observe the new environment of the class, to meet new partners, to participate in the activities, let them They take turns being duty students on a weekly basis. Everyone is proud of being such a duty student. Let the children live and learn happily in the collective. During the implementation of the theme, (teaching plan from: Kuaisi Teaching Plan Network) we passed a series of “I grew up”, “Don’t say I am small”, “I am awesome”, “We are children in the middle class”” “Little bear wants to grow taller” and other activities, so that children can truly realize that they have gradually grown up, and they are the elder brothers and sisters of the children in the small class. They should strictly demand themselves from all aspects and set a good example for their younger brothers and sisters. In order to cooperate with the development of this theme activity, we also provide children with a variety of opportunities for operation and practice, and let them bring some clothes they wore when they were young. During the activity, learn about the growth of each part of the body. At the same time, corresponding wall decorations were also created, so that children can feel that they have not only grown physically, but also made new progress in terms of mind and ability, thereby enhancing the development of children’s self-awareness. The progress of the child is obvious. He no longer cries when he comes to the kindergarten, and he can not drop the rice grains when he is reminded by the teacher when eating. The companions get along better than before. It turns out that the adults always hold or carry them when they come to and leave the kindergarten. The toddler who is dying gradually disappears, and they will say to the adults “I grow up, I can walk by myself”, Moreover, many young children will walk in alone as long as the adults deliver them to the door. Every day before and after nap, I learned to wear undress and shoes by myself, and there are very few cases where the left and right shoes are reversed… They will cheer for every progress they make, and they will also be happy for every success they achieve. We also have our own thinking about the environment creation of the theme. During the day-to-day process, children not only develop a good habit of loving labor, but also know how to do their own things by themselves, where to take things and where to put them back, etc. good habits. Many parents also responded, saying that their children would take the initiative to help their parents with things at home, distributing bowls and chopsticks before meals, and wiping the table after meals. Although sometimes the cleaning is not so clean, it is really gratifying. The middle class study career has successfully taken the first step. I hope that the days to come will be happier and the future studies will be smoother!

3. Reflections on the game teaching plans in the middle class and reflections on “Fried Fruits”

  【plan for design】

  Early childhood is a period of rapid development of children’s various abilities and movements. As children grow up day by day, they have experienced such a necessary stage from learning to crawl to learning to walk. For the children in the middle class, their movement development is still in the development stage, and their movements are not very coordinated. To promote the development of children’s movements, we must first stimulate their emotions that they like physical activities. In the new “Outline”, it is also pointed out: develop basic movements in a way that children are interested in, and improve the coordination of movements. And to the cheeper of middle class to game is a kind of best educational method. Entertaining and entertaining, entertaining and teaching in the game. Therefore, I designed the sports game: Fried Fruit. Let the children participate in the activities with the role of fried fruit. With the help of small paper sticks, the children can consolidate and practice the coordinated activities of arms, eyes, drilling and turning in interesting situations. At the same time, by creating a game situation, let the children practice the skills of drilling and turning, and experience the joy of mutual cooperation.

  According to new ” compendium ” spirit and the age characteristic of cheeper I made following target:

  【Activity goal】

  1. I like to play paper sticks, experience the fun of games, and practice drilling and turning.

  2. During the game, feel the relationship between hands, paper sticks, eyes, head and arms, improve the coordination ability of the body, exercise the ability of hand-eye coordination and the flexibility of movements.

  3. Boldly express your understanding.

  4. Initially cultivate children’s ability to solve problems with existing life experience.

  【Event preparation】

  Paper colored sticks about 50 cm long.

  【activity procedure】

  1. The teacher asks the children to find a partner by themselves and form a group of two.

  2. The children are in a group of two, hold the two ends of the paper sticks, and the two paper sticks are parallel; 3. The game starts, and the two children read a nursery rhyme together: “Fried, fried, fried fruit, let’s fry the fruit together, You drive, I drive, come crashing.” Do movements while reading nursery rhymes. When saying “Fried, fried, fried fruit, let’s fry fruit together”, the two arms swing rhythmically from side to side. There is a small stick on the side. When saying “Hua La”, the heads of the two people slip under the raised paper stick at the same time. At this time, the two stand back to back. The child read the nursery rhyme a second time, and turned it back in the same way. At this time, the two stood facing each other.

  【Activity Reflection】

  The difficulty of this game is suitable for children in the middle class. Children are very interested in playing games with safe and fun colored paper sticks. They make full use of the activity equipment and exercise the basic movements of drilling and turning, the ability of hand-eye coordination and the flexibility of movements. , (Teaching plan from: Kuaisi Teaching Plan Network) has improved the coordination ability of the body. At the same time, I also feel that I have neglected the estimation of individual children’s performance in the design of the activity. However, in order to take care of the activities of all children, the requirements for individual children are reduced, which deserves more attention in the future.

  Activity goal:

  1. Encourage young children to participate in sports activities bravely and not afraid of the cold.

  2. Listen to the signal to practice walking, running, and jumping to develop children’s flexible response ability.

  Activity preparation:

  1. Activity venue.

  2. Check the children’s clothing.

  activity procedure:

  1. Children are scattered on the field, free to do walking, running, jumping and other movement exercises, and listen to the teacher counting from 1 to 10. When the count reaches 10, the teacher says: “Ice”. All the children stopped moving.

  2. The teacher said: “The ice has melted!” The children spread out and continued to move freely, repeating the game like this.

  3. After the children are familiar with the game, the teacher can change the password, such as “two people freeze”, at this time the children must be together, and a certain part of the body is in contact, which means that they are frozen together.


  When the teacher says “freeze”, the child must stop all kinds of movements and stay still. Whoever moves, stops the game once.

  The children participating in the game acted as snowflakes and scattered on the field; the teacher acted as the north wind and stood in the middle of the field. At the beginning of the game, the teacher led the children to jog, and at the same time made a “huhu” sound, the sound was loud and small. If the sound is low, it means the wind is low, and the children will jog; if the sound is loud, it means the wind is strong, and the children will run fast. The teacher said: “The wind stopped!” Everyone stood still. The teacher shouted: “The sun is out!” The children squatted down immediately, indicating that the snowflakes had melted. Rest for a while, and the game will continue. Whoever does not follow the password will stand aside and the game will be suspended once.


  If the action is wrong, the game will be suspended once.

  activity ends:

  The children go back to the classroom together.

  【Activity Reflection】

  The difficulty of this game is suitable for children in the middle class. Children are very interested in playing games with safe and fun colored paper sticks. They make full use of the activity equipment and exercise the basic movements of drilling and turning, the ability of hand-eye coordination and the flexibility of movements. , improved the coordination ability of the body, at the same time, I also felt that in the design of the activity, I neglected the estimation of the performance of individual children. Activities, reducing the requirements for individual children, it is worth strengthening attention in the future.

4. Reflection on the detailed lesson plans of art in the middle class “Little Tadpole” contains reflections

  event design background

  Children love small animals, and prefer to be outdoors and be close to nature. Let the children go outdoors to observe and experience the freedom and happiness that the activities bring to the children. At the same time, they can train the control ability of the children’s little hands through clay sculpture activities.

  Activity goal

  1. Experience the freedom and joy brought by the activities.

  2. Recognize and understand the appearance characteristics and life interests of tadpoles.

  3. Freely create clay sculptures of tadpoles with basic methods such as rubbing, grouping, and pressing.

  4. Cultivate children’s hands-on ability, and boldly communicate with peers according to the observed phenomena.

  5. Guide children to use auxiliary materials to enrich their works and cultivate their bold and innovative ability.

  Teaching points and difficulties

  Teaching focus: Let children know tadpoles and understand the appearance characteristics of tadpoles.

  Teaching Difficulties: Train children’s hand control ability in clay sculpture creation activities with basic methods such as rubbing, grouping, and pressing.

  activity preparation

  A magnifying glass, a spoon, some bottles and cups for tadpoles, and some plasticine.

  activity procedure

  1. Introduction to arouse children’s interest in activities

  Teacher: Children, what season is it now? Today the teacher will take you to nature to observe a small animal that only exists in spring. Guess who it is?

  2. Basic part

  a) The teacher takes the children to an outdoor place where there are tadpoles to observe the tadpoles

  The teacher puts forward observation requirements: (1) pay attention to safety; (2) carefully observe the color, shape, swimming method, and living environment of tadpoles; (3) use the brought tools (magnifying glass) for close observation.

  b) Children observe and discuss freely in groups, and teachers make tours to guide them.

  c) The teacher asks: What color is the tadpole? What is the shape of the head? Where else have you seen the tadpole?

  d) The teacher and the children sum up the observation results together: the tadpoles swim happily in the water, (.source from Kuaisi Teacher’s Teaching Plan Network) are swarthy, with oval heads and flat tails, and live in clear water .

  3. Clay sculpture tadpoles

  Inspire children to make statues of tadpoles

  Teacher: Baby tadpoles would like to ask the children to give them statues. Would you like to help them?

  Question: What clay sculpture methods have we learned before? Please use the methods you have learned before to make statues of tadpoles, and see who can make more and better sculptures.

  Children are grouped into clay tadpole activities. Teachers make the rounds for individual instruction.

  4. End part

  Comments: Let children watch clay sculpture works with each other. Praise children who are active and experience the sense of accomplishment that the activity brings.

  Everyone worked together to scoop up the tadpoles with water, and brought the tadpoles back to the natural corner of the kindergarten to raise them and continue to observe them.

  5. Activity extension:

  1. Learn the story “little tadpole looking for mother”.

  2. Painting “Little Tadpole”

  teaching reflection

  In this activity, the children’s interest was very high, they all actively participated in the activity and experienced the fun brought by the activity. The downside is that some children did not pay attention during the activities, and the clothes were dirty when scooping water; some children did not master the basic methods such as rubbing, grouping, and pressing.

5. Middle class safety detailed lesson plans and teaching reflections “Playing with Sand” contains reflections

  event design background

  I found that children especially like to play with sand in the sand pit, but safety accidents happen from time to time. In order not to reduce the pleasure brought to them by playing with sand, I organized a sand play class under the premise of safety to improve their ability. Safety awareness, creativity and imagination so they can have fun.

  Activity goal

  1. Improve their safety awareness when playing with sand.

  2. Enrich children’s tactile nerves and improve their creativity and imagination by playing with sand.

  3. Cultivate children’s ability to cooperate and communicate.

  4. Explore and discover the diversity and characteristics in life.

  5. Initially cultivate children’s ability to solve problems with existing life experience.

  Teaching points and difficulties

  Key points: Let students know that they should pay attention to safety when playing.

  Difficulties: Develop students’ imagination and creative thinking on the basis of safe play.

  activity preparation

  Props: branches, leaves, flowers, etc.

  activity procedure

  1. Import topics

  Today, let’s meet a new friend (I grabbed a handful of sand) and let the students guess who it is? Next we will become friends with the sand. Explain the task of this class so that students can understand.

  2. Lead the students to the sandpit, squeeze the sand with their own hands to get to know the sand, and the students can experience the texture of the sand with their hands.

  3. Safety tips (increase safety awareness in future play)

  The sand is very naughty, it gets into our eyes and we don’t want to come out, so we must pay attention to safety when playing, don’t throw the sand, throw it to other students, and don’t rub your eyes with the hands that have played with the sand.

  4. Organize events

  Group the children into groups of four (to cultivate their awareness of cooperation and brainstorming),! From the lesson plan of Teacher Kuaisi.! Create your own “kingdom” in the sandpit and remind the students, which can be used during the activity Props prepared by myself. (Observe their performance in the activities and make a summary of the activities)

  5. Display the results

  Ask each group to elect a representative and introduce their work to other children.

  6. At the end of the activity, lead the children to wash their hands.

  Comment on everyone’s performance in this activity, give more praise and encouragement, and increase their enthusiasm for participating in the activity.

  teaching reflection

  It is the nature of children to play with sand, so in the process of playing, children are very motivated. They are happy to dig holes, build houses, and use leaves as carts to transport sand. Some children plant small flowers and grass in the houses. Around, some children dug a long river in front of the house and used the leaves as boats. These phenomena all reflect that the children gave full play to their imagination and creativity. There were no safety accidents in this activity, but some children only cared about playing with sand by themselves, and did not discuss cooperation with other children. Guidance, but also more improvements.

6. Detailed teaching plan of middle class art “My Business Card” with reflection

  Activity background:

  In adult life, business cards are a commonly used form of expression to promote communication between people. Combined with the recent theme activity “making friends” to promote their communication skills, this class is designed to introduce business cards into the children’s world and germinate children’s communication awareness. The knowledge points of this activity are for children to learn on the basis of understanding their own basic situation and contact information. The focus of the activity is to guide children to design and make their own business cards on the basis of understanding the components and functions of business cards. Teachers make breakthroughs through guided analysis and explanation, and at the same time let children use contrastive learning and bold trials to make breakthroughs. The difficulty is to use children’s creativity to design business cards, and make breakthroughs through heuristics and encouragement. I want to use business cards to open the door for children to start socializing, so that children can feel the warmth of the collective surrounded by friendship.

  Activity goal:

  1. Germinate children’s awareness of communication and enhance friendship among peers.

  2. Cultivate children’s creativity and the ability to use business cards to communicate during production.

  3. Stimulate children’s interest in expressing and communicating boldly in front of the group.

  4. Teach children to develop a careful and serious learning attitude.

  Activity preparation:

  Courseware, some business card papers of various colors, some watercolor pens

  activity procedure:

  (1) Introduction: Children appreciate the courseware and answer the question “What told Uncle Goat, where is the little tiger’s home?”, thus leading to the “business card”.

  (2) Development: 1. Guide children to understand the content, format and function of business cards.

  Question: a. What is on the business card of an adult? What is on the business card of a little tiger? b. The unit is generally placed on the top of the business card. Where is the learning unit of the child? What can be used to represent it? c. The name is generally placed in the middle of the business card , the eye-catching place, what is the name of the little tiger represented? Below, what is the address of the little tiger? Why use a small house to represent the address? What is the function of the business card?

  2. The children design business cards according to the requirements, and the teacher tours and guides them.

  Requirements: a. There must be name, unit, address and telephone number on the business card. b The designed business card should be clean, clear, bright in color and understandable.

  3. Game: “find friends”, children exchange their business cards with each other.

  4. Comments: Find out your favorite business card and explain why.

  (3) End: Put our business cards in the “class contact room” in our classroom to enhance the connection between all of us.

  Activity reflection:

  The activity comes from our life. In the activity, children not only experience the joy of success in designing business cards by themselves, but also feel the joy of communication. Business card is a tool for people to communicate. Its appearance and use have been paid more and more attention by modern people. It should be very close to children. At the beginning of the activity, the children exchanged their understanding of the business card, such as the content of the business card and the use of the business card. When discussing the usefulness of business cards, children know that business cards can communicate with people and make it convenient for friends. Finally, enhance and expand your experience by making your own business cards.

7. The detailed lesson plan of art in the middle class “My Parents” contains reflections

  Instructional intent:

  Modern parents are busy with their own work, and most of them don’t pay attention to emotional communication with their children. Over time, the relationship will gradually become alienated; Less; because there is too little communication with the elders, most of the students are more introverted and not good at expressing. So the activity “My Mom and Dad” was launched. Let children understand their parents and feel their parents’ love, so as to guide children to love their parents in their own way, and even care about others. Feel the love and hard work of parents for their own growth, and cultivate children’s respect and love for their parents. Express your love for your parents in your own way.

  teaching objectives:

  1. Get to know your family members father and mother.

  2. Draw a family portrait by understanding the external characteristics of your parents and yourself.

  3. Try painting boldly and decorate with symmetrical methods.

  4. Let children experience the ability of autonomy, independence and creativity.

  5. Cultivate children’s skills and artistic temperament.

  Difficulties in teaching:

  Able to draw a family portrait based on understanding the external characteristics of parents and oneself.

  Teaching Preparation:

  Family photo of children.

  Teaching process:

  1. Introduce your family portrait

  Teacher: Our children brought their own family portraits today, and now I invite a few children to introduce them. (Get to know family members dad and mom)

  2. Inspire imagination

  Teacher: What is the difference between father and mother? (gender, dress, hairstyle, etc.)

  3. Draw a family portrait

  Teacher: I also brought a family photo. Who should be drawn first? What should be drawn first when drawing a person? (.Source Kuaisi Teacher’s Teaching Plan Network) Would you please tell me to draw? (The teacher draws according to the children’s narration)

  Teacher: Now I ask the children to draw a family portrait with their parents, okay?

  (The teacher observes and gives individual guidance. During the guidance, the teacher pays attention to consolidating the children’s grasp of the facial features of the characters, and puts forward different levels of requirements according to the children’s level.)

  4. Sharing and communication

  Teacher: Let’s see whose family portrait is the warmest? Whose mother has the most beautiful paintings, and whose father is the most handsome?

  V. Summary

  Children, the care of parents makes us warm; the selflessness of parents moves us; the broadness of parents shocks us!

  end section:

  Encourage the children to love their parents more with the good way they just thought of when they go home. In this way, your parents will be happier and love you more.

  Activity extension:

  1. Guide the children to use drawing to draw the working situation of their parents, and express their gratitude to their parents in any way.

  2. Celebrate mom and dad’s birthday in different ways, plan and prepare by yourself.

  3. Talking about your parents, there are many things to say. There are many photos of your parents in the love photo frame here. After the game is over, you can introduce your parents to your good friends and let them know your parents’ names What’s their name, their zodiac sign, what job they do, etc., okay?

  Reflection on teaching:

  There is a simple and beautiful emotion between parents and children. However, expressing this emotion in activities often seems superficial and flimsy. In fact, ordinary things in children’s lives are also intriguing.

  During the activity, the teacher tried to quantify “emotion” to a certain extent by taking the parents around the children as the starting point, by appreciating photos, making and narrating record cards, etc., making abstract things real and revealing potential family affection naturally. Thereby improving children’s language expression and social communication skills. Let children pay attention to the details of life, feel the happy life of the whole family together, and at the same time learn to care, learn to love, learn to be grateful, learn to repay, and be able to express love for father, mother and family in various ways.

8. The middle class theme detailed lesson plan “Where I Live” contains reflections

  plan for design:

  Children in the middle class have a certain understanding of the place where they live and the community they live in, and they have a desire to understand the living environment of their companions. With the development of the theme “My Hometown”, the children developed a sense of pride that they are Anji people through a series of activities such as looking at their hometown, talking about their hometown, and boasting about their hometown. Young children are more interested in things around them. By visiting, playing, and drawing pictures in the neighborhoods, streets, and parks where they live with their parents, they can learn about Anji’s history, humanities, and other knowledge from their parents and teachers, and enrich their life. Relevant conversation content makes children have the desire to speak and dare to speak.

  Activity goal:

  1. Help children learn to say the name of the community they live in in short sentences.

  2. Require young children to learn to listen quietly to other people’s conversations, understand the content of other people’s conversations, and cultivate conscious listening skills.

  Activity preparation:

  1. Multimedia: pictures about urban districts, streets, ecological squares, station squares, Changshuo Park, government kindergartens, etc.

  2. With the help of their parents, young children learn the name of their residential area and some main scenery of the area.

  3. Introduce the pictures of the community (children’s photos or pictures drawn by themselves).

  Difficulties of the activity:

  Can express my feelings in short sentences.

  activity procedure:

  1. Create conversation scenarios and lead to conversation topics

  1. Show Anji map: Look! What is this? (A map)

  Where is this map? (Anji map)

  The place we live is called “Angie” (point to Angie on the map).

  Which community in Anji do you live in? (Let the children name the community they live in, and it is best to be able to tell the number of the building, the unit, and the number.)

  2. Teacher’s summary: The place we live in is called Anji, and there are many communities: Huifeng Garden, Xinjiayuan, Fenfang Community, Taoyuan New Village, Ningxin Garden, Civic Center… The place we live in is beautiful, and I love my home!

  (Before the activity, the children had already learned about the Anji map in the regional activities, which provided a guarantee for the children to find their own place to live in this activity, so the children could boldly introduce it. Many children found their own place on the map district.)

  2. Guide the children to talk around the place of residence

  1. Question: What are the fun and beautiful places around your home?; Source: Kuaisi teacher teaching plan network; (Hint: What are the interesting places next to HSBC Garden, such as the ecological square…)

  2. Please introduce to everyone. (Ecological Plaza, Post Station Plaza, Changshuo Park, Government Kindergarten…)

  3. Where do you like to visit the most, and what method do you use to tell everyone about these interesting places? (Take pictures and draw them.)

  (Children answer with rich language and loud voices, because they are very familiar with their home and know a lot about the surrounding environment through communication with their parents, so the interaction with teachers and peers is positive.)

  3. Discussion: layout of theme wall

  Show the pictures of the residential quarters collected and made for the children to talk about.

  Teacher: Yesterday our children went home and drew the place where they lived. How can we introduce your home to our companions? (Design “The place where I live”.)

  How to decorate the theme wall of “I love my hometown”? (Reminder: The last time the theme was “I love my mother”, children expressed their feelings in different ways such as: love, wish cards, drawing mothers, etc. o)

  (Through group discussion, individual communication, etc., let children boldly express themselves, encourage children to actively participate in the creation of the theme wall, play the main role of children, and make children and the environment, children and teachers have positive interactions.)

  4. Extension activities

  Back in the activity room, the teachers and children jointly arranged the theme wall.

  Activity reflection:

  This is a regional activity designed under the background of class-based themes. The purpose of the activity is to provide more time and space for children, so that children can rely on their own abilities to perceive, think, Looking for answers to questions, children can choose activities in each area according to their own interests, wishes, and abilities according to the rules. Brain thinking, hands-on operation, free companionship, free choice, and free activities can give full play to the main role of children and promote children’s development in the world. Get corresponding development on different levels.

9. Detailed teaching plan of middle class art “The bottle I designed” with reflection

  plan for design:

  Bottles are a common item in our life. There are also various high, low, large and small bottles in the art area of ​​our kindergarten. The children used these bottles to make a lot of creativity on them, some painted the bottles, and some painted the bottles. Paste, let these humble bottles become colorful decorations, children like to play with these bottles very much, I had an idea, since children like it so much, why not let them try to use other painting methods to paint beautiful bottles What! The new “Outline” proposes that the value of children’s art education lies in its stimulating interest and interest. As the saying goes: “Interest is the best teacher”. Only when children have a strong interest in things, will they be able to concentrate, take the initiative, and be actively involved, so as to gain knowledge and experience. Taking advantage of children’s interest in bottles, I designed this activity by using blown paper prints, a special, novel and interesting printed painting, as the carrier of expression.

  Activity goal:

  1. Get a preliminary understanding of the process of making blown paper prints, and experience the unique decorative effects of blown paper prints.

  2. Children try to design bottles, decorate with gouache, and experience the fun of printing and dyeing blown paper prints.

  3. Guide children to use auxiliary materials to enrich their works and cultivate their bold and innovative ability.

  4. Cultivate children’s observation, operation and expression ability, and improve children’s aesthetic taste and innovation consciousness.

  5. Let young children experience autonomy, independence and creativity.

  Key points of the activity:

  Activities focus:

  Learn to design bottles on blown paper and lay them out to fit the size of the paper.

  Activity Difficulties:

  Learn the printing and dyeing skills of gouache paint and printing.

  Activity preparation:

  Collect a number of physical bottles and courseware pictures, and a copy of pencils, brushes, gouache paints, and blown paper.

  activity procedure:

  1. Import

  Alibaba has opened a bottle store, all of which are beautiful bottles, do you want to take a look at the beautiful bottles?

  2. Appreciate the pictures

  Show the pictures for the children to appreciate.

  1. Ask questions:

  ①What are the characteristics of the bottle? What does the mouth of the bottle look like? What does the neck look like? What does the body of the bottle look like?

  ② What are the decorative features?

  2. Summary: These bottles have their own characteristics, some have small mouths, big bellies, and some are shaped like gourds… The shapes are rich and varied, and these bottles are very beautiful.

  3. Appreciation of Fan Painting – “Beautiful Bottle”

  Ask: Do you think this painting is beautiful? Which is the most beautiful? What is your favorite place? Why?

  Is this painting the same as the ones we usually draw? This is a blown paper print. Do children want to know how the teacher draws it?

  4. The teacher explained how to make

  1. Introduction materials: pencil, gouache, gouache paint, blown paper, black cardboard.

  2. Conception: what kind of bottle is going to be designed.

  3. Drafting: Use a pencil to draw the bottle onto the blown paper. Pay attention to some force and follow the direction of the pencil.

  4. Coloring: Bottles on blown paper are painted in beautiful colors and printed onto black cardboard. <Teaching plan from. From: Kuaisi Teaching Plan Network>

  5. Inspire children to design bottles

  What kind of bottle do children want to draw, first conceive it. Such as: dancing bottle, bottle with long legs…

  6. Children’s painting

  The teacher tours and guides, emphasizing the essentials of painting.

  7. Painting Evaluation – “Children’s Painting Exhibition”

  1. Let the children select the best works of each group and give encouragement.

  2. Teacher’s summary: The pictures we painted on blown paper and cardboard with gouache colors today are paper prints.

  8. Pack up the painting utensils, the activity is over

  Reflection after class:

  For an activity to be carried out smoothly, the most important thing is that the connection between each link needs to be progressive. The questions set must be established according to the interests of children. I think this is the only way to achieve the preset effect. This activity I divided it into five links to carry out the activities. First, I showed a bottle of courseware and let the children understand the basic parts of the bottle by observing the bottle. Let the children understand the different shapes and colors of the bottles through observation, and finally let the children understand that these beautiful bottles are designed by the bottle designer, so that the children know that the bottle designer is a very capable person. Come to be a capable designer to stimulate children’s interest in designing bottles. I think it is just right in the second session. In the next few sessions, the children can design the beautiful bottles in their imagination and operate the results Although I did not achieve the desired effect, I feel that this activity has given me and the children a lot of gain and reflection. Especially in the last link, the children can find out the existence of the problem through my questioning when commenting on the works. , such as: the reason for the poor rubbing effect is that the engraving is not deep enough, and the coloring is not uniform enough. It is not good to know that the paint is too thick or too thin, etc. I think through this blow molding activity, I believe that our children will have better results in the second activity.

10. Secondary class theme detailed lesson plan and teaching reflection “My Good Friend”

  design background

  Let children learn to care about their classmates, get along with them in harmony, and find their own good friends.

  Activity goal

  1. I like to use painting to express my feelings for good friends.

  2. Know the advantages of a good friend and experience the happiness of having a good friend.

  3. Like to help others and get along well with peers.

  4. Cultivate children to live in harmony with their peers and cherish this friendship.

  5. Explore and discover the diversity and characteristics in life.

  main difficulty

  Key point: Guide children to observe the advantages of their good friends.

  Difficulty: Through discussion, stimulate children’s emotions towards good friends.

  activity preparation

  Have a conversation before the activity. Ask the children to talk about what good friends they have? What have their friends done for them?

  activity procedure

  1. Import part:

  Conduct conversation activities with the theme of “My Good Friend” to draw out the content of the activity.

  Encourage children to tell specific examples, such as: My good friend tells the best story. <Teaching plan from. From: Kuaisi Teaching Plan Network>My good friend loves to laugh the most.

  Focus on guiding children to observe the advantages of their good friends.

  Second, the expansion part:

  1. On the basis of observing and recalling the characteristics of good friends, guide children to paint by hand.

  2. Remind the children to draw the circle of the friend’s head first, and then draw the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair, etc.

  3. Guide children to pay attention to observe the expressions of good friends, and try to express the expressions of good friends.

  4. For children with strong abilities, they can be encouraged to draw bodies, clothing, and add backgrounds.

  Three, the end part:

  Children tell each other about their work. Teachers should encourage children to introduce their paintings to everyone, and talk about who the good friends in the paintings are. Records that teachers can simply make.

  Fourth, the extension part:

  Encourage young children to design clothes for their friends, make small gifts, and enhance the relationship between friends.

  teaching reflection

  Toddlers are particularly interested in finding a good friend, designing clothes for the friend, and making small gifts are very active.

11. Middle class music detailed lesson plan “I am a happy little snail” with reflection

  design concept:

  This song has a brisk rhythm, the lyrics have a storyline, and the protagonist is a small animal that children like, which can quickly arouse children’s strong interest. Therefore, according to the requirements of the “Guide”, I seized this interest point of the children and designed this activity, aiming to let the children feel the characteristics of the strength and weakness of the 3/4 beat, and sing with a smooth, cheerful voice and light movements. The little snail is happy and at ease.

  Activity goal:

  1. Learn to sing three-time songs, and initially feel the rhythm characteristics of four-three time.

  2. Be able to creatively express the scene represented by the song.

  Activity preparation:

  1. Lyric map, snail picture

  2. Big drum side

  3. A piano

  activity procedure:

  1. Children, let’s hum before singing and contact “Two Little Elephants”

  2. Situation introduction: Today there is a little guest who is going to be a guest in Class 1, let us invite him out together, oh, the little guest is a little shy, we need to call him out, listen to what the teacher yells, little Snail (call out the little snail with the big drum and strong and weak voice), ask the children to learn to call out the little snail together

  3. Show pictures of real snails, guide children to observe the appearance characteristics of small snails, and stimulate children’s interest in small snails.

  (1) What does the little snail look like?

  (2) What does the little snail look like when it gets up? What is its expression? Which child will describe it? (Guide the child to express it with body or language)

  4. Appreciate songs, be familiar with the melody, and master the rhythm characteristics of 3/4 time. Play the song “I am a happy little snail” and guide the children to appreciate the song completely. The teacher and the children will beat the rhythm while listening to the song. ,! Source: Qu, Lao, Teacher. Case Network “Feel the lively and cheerful tune of the song.

  5. Show the lyrics map, and the teacher will teach the singing in full

  While teaching and singing sentence by sentence, discuss with the children how to express each sentence with actions, and teach the children to sing three or four times

  6. Ask the children to wear snail headdresses and perform songs together with the music.

  7. Teacher’s summary: what a cute little snail, it dances so well, the beautiful spring is here, let’s go on a trip together. With the musical accompaniment of “I Am a Happy Little Snail”, take the children out of the activity room.

  Activity extension:

  Guide children to observe small snails in the natural corner, and further understand the characteristics and habits of small snails.

  Activity reflection:

  I think the activity I designed is more suitable for the characteristics of the children in my class. However, due to my lack of experience and improper consideration in all aspects, there are many problems in the activity, and I have not been able to communicate well with the children. There are many mistakes, such as the children are not familiar with the songs enough, the body does not move well, and some children have no singing voice when they move. Sometimes the mind wanders and there is no good and timely individual education. The actual expansion of the “Guide” is not enough, and the individual differences of the children are not respected. Fortunately, the children are very interested in the selection of the content of this teaching activity, especially in the later stage. They became little snails and moved together. They danced very happily and felt that their efforts were rewarded to a certain extent. However, summing up the experience and lessons of this time, in the future teaching, I must do a good job in every teaching activity As long as you work hard, you can consider many problems and take timely measures. I believe that with my efforts, I will do better.

12. Secondary class theme detailed lesson plan and teaching reflection “I can protect myself”

  event design background

  Since the middle class children can’t deal with the practical problems in life well, there are always some unsafe hidden dangers in the activities. Therefore, I formulated the theme activity of “I can protect myself”.

  Activity goal

  1. Cultivate children’s self-protection awareness.

  2. Educate young children not to play, not to approach dangerous objects, and not to do dangerous things.

  3. Understand some simple safety common sense and self-help methods.

  4. Know the dangers around children, and cultivate children’s safety awareness.

  5. Learn simple self-help methods until you are away from danger.

  Teaching points and difficulties

  The key point is to cultivate children’s self-protection awareness.

  The difficulty is that young children cannot distinguish which are dangerous things and things very well.

  activity preparation

  Pictures of children injured while playing with dangerous goods

  activity procedure

  1. The teacher shows the wall charts respectively, asks the children to observe carefully, and asks individual children to tell what the children on the pictures are doing? Are they doing the right thing?

  2. Guide children to discuss: What other items or things in life are dangerous?

  Teacher’s summary: sharp tools (scissors, knives, needles, toothpicks) water, fire, electricity, and gas.

  3. Find dangerous goods

  Divide the children into 4 groups, look for unsafe items and toys in the classroom, yard, lunch break room and every corner, and then everyone records and communicates one by one. Unsafe foresight.

  4. Learn how to avoid injury through discussion

  1. Encourage young children to discuss ways to prevent injuries.

  2. Teachers help children remember the problems that should be paid attention to in life by asking questions.

  5. Briefly introduce self-rescue methods after injury to young children.

  6. Safety game

  1. The teacher takes the children to stay outside in front of the amusement equipment, and explains to the children the possible dangers and correct methods of these equipment.

  2. Ask a few children to demonstrate the correct way to play.

  Extension of the activity: Homeland reminds children to pay attention to safety, prevent dangerous behaviors in time, and enhance safety awareness.

  teaching reflection

  1. Because there are too many unsafe items and hidden dangers in life, we cannot cover everything in this class.

  2. In the activities, there is some uncoordinated interaction between teachers and children. Teachers should adjust teaching according to the situation of children.

  3. This class is still very successful. Teachers still need to improve children’s enthusiasm and initiative.

13. The detailed teaching plan of middle class society “I will organize” includes reflection

  event design background

  Recently, I found that children’s belongings are scattered everywhere. Watercolor pens and books, as well as children’s hats, scarves, and gloves are all piled up in a cabinet, and it is very messy when they are taken. So this lesson was designed.

  Activity goal

  1. Learn to classify objects according to their uses, and design marks based on the common characteristics of objects.

  2. Learn to tidy up and arrange things in an orderly manner, and develop a good habit of returning things to their original places.

  3. Develop children’s hands-on ability.

  4. Initially cultivate children’s ability to solve problems with existing life experience.

  5. Explore and discover the diversity and characteristics in life.

  Teaching points and difficulties

  Classify objects according to their purpose (emphasis) and try to design marks (difficulty)

  activity preparation

  1. Several pictures of the three categories of objects, toys, and clothing

  2. Three boxes of different colors; each child has a piece of white paper and a watercolor pen.

  activity procedure

  1. There are so many things in Doudou’s house [Mr. Kuaisi. Teaching plan net source], let’s see what are there?

  Pictures of various objects, and children name the objects.

  Doudou doesn’t know how to tidy up. I want to ask our children for help. How should I tidy up?

  2. Item classification

  Sorting is to put items of the same category together. Which ones belong to the same category?

  Children divide pictures into 3 categories according to their use

  Tell me what are these items used for and what category do they belong to?

  Children put the pictures of the sorted items into 3 boxes.

  3. Mark items

  Today, we helped Doudou organize the food, play and clothes at home, so how to make

  Doudou know what’s in the box?

  If there is something to eat in the box, what marking can be drawn?

  How do you draw markers when you are playing?

  Is there any mark that you can tell it’s something you’re wearing?

  Ask the children to choose an item by themselves, use their creative imagination, draw a mark map, and paste the mark on the corresponding box.

  Fourth, children’s mark display

  Children appreciate each other’s marks designed by their peers and evaluate them.

  teaching reflection

  The selection of materials for this class is close to the life of the children. During the activity, the children are always in a state of play and very excited. Therefore, I designed a situation in advance to help Doudou organize the house during the class. I let the children express their views first, and then let the children do it themselves. Through children’s personal participation in sorting, let them experience the effective sorting of items, and feel the sense of success and happiness of orderly sorting. Through activities, children’s language expression ability needs to be strengthened. In the future teaching, I will laugh at it.

14. Middle class health detailed plan lesson plan “I’m not afraid of injections” with reflection

  event design background

  One day when I passed a hospital, I saw a child in my class seeing a doctor inside. His mother and the doctor pressed him on his thigh and gave him an injection. He was still struggling hard. In fact, there are several children like him who got injections. I designed a health class to cultivate children’s courageous spirit of not being afraid of injections.

  Activity goal

  1. Through activities, let children know that when they are sick, they must take injections and medicines.

  2. Cultivate children to be willing to receive vaccinations.

  3. Encourage and cultivate children’s brave spirit of not being afraid of injections.

  4. Get a preliminary understanding of health tips.

  5. Get a preliminary understanding of the methods of disease prevention.

  Teaching points and difficulties

  Key point: Know that injections are for your health.

  Difficulty: Not afraid of injections.

  activity preparation

  A set of doctor’s tools and a nursery rhyme.

  activity procedure:

  1. According to the examples of children in this class who were sick, inspire the children to think about what to do when they are sick? Talk about how you feel when you get an injection?

  2. Discussion: How do you manage when you are sick? Is there any good way to make yourself less sick? Easy to get sick.)

  3. Learn the nursery rhyme “Get Vaccination”.

  4. The role-playing game “Brave Doll”.

  Let the children take turns being doctors or patients to increase their courage and eliminate their fear of injections. The teacher praised the “brave doll” in time.

  teaching reflection

  In this activity, the children realized through conversations and games that they are not afraid of injections, and that injections are to prevent illness, so as to cultivate children’s strong will to be brave and not afraid of injections.

15. Middle class health detailed lesson plan “I’ve grown up” with reflection

  event design background

  It’s a new year and the kids are another year older. Use the new year to lead me to grow up, let the children know that the new year is coming, they have grown up, become sensible and obedient. Let the children ask their mothers about interesting things about themselves when they were young, and collect their own items, toys, and photos when they were young. They will find that they are very different from the past, and let the children further feel the growth process. care and love.

  Activity goal

  1. Observe your own changes, stimulate self-awareness, and enhance affection for your parents.

  2. Give more examples to fully demonstrate that children can understand how they are growing up day by day.

  3. Learn to read the nursery rhyme “I have grown up” to further stimulate the joy of children’s growth.

  4. Get a preliminary understanding of health tips.

  5. Learn to maintain a happy mood, and cultivate children’s good emotions of loving life and living happily.

  Teaching points and difficulties

  1. The focus of learning: let children clearly understand that they are growing up slowly day by day.

  2. Difficulties in learning: Children compare their heights in pairs, and tell who I am taller and who I am shorter than.

  activity preparation

  1. The nursery rhyme “I’ve grown up”

  2. Prepare the word baby “grow up” and “height”

  3. Compare the photos of children when they were young with the current photos

  activity procedure

  1. Children first tell their stories to the teacher when they were young, and collect objects, toys, and photos of themselves when they were young.

  2. Let the children perceive and discover what changes they have had compared with when they were young, such as appearance and height, and ask the children what skills they have learned now.

  3. Discuss with the children that the years have passed and that I am growing up day by day. Tell the children that I have grown up now, and I need to learn more knowledge, learn to dress myself, wash my face, and eat by myself.

  4. Teach young children which are the food and supplies when they were babies and which are their own food and supplies now, so that they can clearly distinguish and compare. Know that you have really grown.

  5. In the process of growing up, it is necessary to measure height, weigh, and compare heights, so as to inspire children to use different tools and methods to measure their height. !.Source: Kuaisi teacher.Teaching plan network! Ask the children to compare with their peers, and try to line up from tall to short and short to high, so that children can learn the knowledge of sorting and recognize I have grown up.

  6. Learn to read the nursery rhyme “I have grown up” to further deepen the memory of growing up.

  7. Tell young children that this is the process of growing up.

  teaching reflection

  1. The content of this lesson closely revolves around the link that I have grown up, and children can also recognize the process of their own growth.

  2. Can use practical actions to express the stage of their growth, and compare them in pairs, so that children can learn the meaning of tall and short, and know that they have grown taller and grown up.

  3. Using the method of comparison, comparing baby products with the things I use now, further explaining the growth of children.

  4. It is a pity that the children in this class are not able to play games. If a game is added, it can better show the link of growing up, and it can also stimulate children’s interest in this class, making this class more lively and lively change.

16. The middle class social detailed lesson plan “I can do it” with reflection

  Activity design background:

  Since this class is a bilingual class with many minority children, this activity was designed in order to meet the needs of minority children for learning Chinese, and also to stimulate minority children’s interest in learning Chinese and combined with the age characteristics of the children in this class.

  Activity goal:

  1. Know that your abilities will continue to grow.

  2. Understand the content of nursery rhymes.

  3. Enhance self-care ability.

  4. Be willing to try boldly and share your experience with your peers.

  5. Cultivate children’s keen observation ability.

  Teaching key points and difficulties:

  Teaching focus:

  Sentence pattern:

  1. I will…and…

  short sentence:

  2. I am confident that I can do it.

  Teaching difficulties:

  try to compose nursery rhymes

  Activity preparation:

  Pictures (there are children dressing, eating, washing hands, playing the piano and drawing pictures)

  activity procedure:

  1. Beginning

  1. Import

  The teacher asked the children to tell what they would do by asking questions.

  2. Basic part

  2. Show the pictures one by one, and ask the children to talk about what the children in the pictures are doing.

  Teacher: “Kids! Please look at these pictures, and tell me what the children in the pictures are doing? Can you do it?”

  Teacher: “If there are still children who don’t know how to be hungry, then we should learn to do what we should be able to do, because we are already brothers and sisters in the middle class, so we can’t let parents do it for you anymore. ?”

  3. Ask the children to talk about what they can do besides pictures, or ask them to talk about their strengths, discuss with the children, and give appropriate praise and encouragement.

  4. Ask the children to think about what they can do to help their parents at home.

  5. Teach the nursery rhyme “I’ve grown up”

  ”Don’t think I’m small, I’ve actually grown up.

  I can dress and eat and do everything. “

  6. Try to compose nursery rhymes

  ”I will…and….” Encourage children to replace the words “dress” and “eat” in the children’s rhymes with other things they can do, and match them with actions.

  7. Shorter sentences

  First ask the children if they want to learn to do a lot of things, if they want to help their parents with some housework, if they have confidence in themselves, and then lead out and teach the short sentence “I have confidence, I can do it.”

  3. End part

  1. Name something you don’t know how to do yet.

  2. Ask the children to draw something they wish they could do.

  Reflection on teaching:

  The whole class went well. The children were especially interested in the pictures and nursery rhymes, and they could better understand and master the content of the nursery rhymes. [Source of this article: Kuaisi teacher. Teacher’s teaching plan network] But when I teach nursery rhymes, I lead them to do movements, which limits the children’s imagination and innovation ability, and they should be allowed to match the movements by themselves. So much so that they didn’t know what movements to do when they were composing nursery rhymes, and they went to match the movements themselves when I reminded them. Most of the children who create nursery rhymes can do it, but for the short sentence “I have confidence, I can do it.” Some children still can’t master it, and they can’t understand what it means. If I take this class again, I should play the role of bilingual teaching, explain the advanced nature of these children in their mother tongue, and let them learn better.

17. The middle class social detailed lesson plan “Don’t Say I’m Small” contains reflections

  plan for design:

  Most of the children nowadays are only children. Do these “little emperors” and “little princesses” who live in superior conditions feel the love and care of adults and the busyness and hard work of adults? So, I I want to make children pay attention to the closest people in their lives and feel the selfless love of adults through this kind of activity. Through talking and watching videos of their peers, the activity allows children to learn to pay attention to others, be considerate of others, care for others and “help others” with practical actions; start with small things around them and expand to care for others and try to extend their love. Helping hands (such as; relatives, peers, teachers around you…). I believe that children not only understand the meaning of “request”, but also understand the preciousness of “return”. The activity aims to let children experience the most beautiful emotions in the world. It is also inspired by the sincere emotions that inspire the kindness and benevolence in the hearts of children.

  Activity goal:

  1. Willing to help family members do what they can.

  2. Cultivate children’s keen observation ability.

  Activity preparation:

  Statistical tables and pictures Several related videos

  activity procedure:

  1. Conversation:

  1. Do you know what kind of work your parents do? Do they work hard?

  2. Although mom and dad are working very hard, can they rest right away when they get home from get off work? Why?

  3. Mom and Dad work so hard, but also wash clothes, cook for us, do housework, play with us, and tell us stories. What do you want to say to them? How can you make them less so? Tired? What can you do to help them?

  2. Count the things that children will do.

  1. Let’s take a look at what the two children in our class have done for their parents.

  2. What will you do for your parents?

  3. Please show the things you will do with pictures.

  4. Use a statistical table to express the things that children will do.

  3. Talk about the nursery rhyme “Don’t Say I’m Young”

  There is a nursery rhyme that praises that our children can do many things, saying that we are really parents, grandparents’ little helpers, let us read it together now!

  4. Make the evaluation schedule

  1. We have said so many things we can do, but can the children really do it? No matter what we do, we must be serious and persistent, so that we can do it well!; source; Kuaisi teacher teaching plan network; who will come Tell everyone, what are you planning to do for your family this week? (You only need to choose one or two things that you will do, and you can stick to it)

  2. In order to encourage and record what the children do as a helper, the teacher made a table, you can write your name on the left, and draw what you want to do as a helper in this week in the middle , the last cell is the evaluation of your mother or father on your being a little helper. Please come back next Monday, let’s take a look at each other and compare who is the best little helper at home.

  Activity reflection:

  In teaching activities, the first link is very easy to do. But this often only stays at superficial preaching, and after adding the “statistical table” link, the child’s desire to communicate has become a reality, and through the DV record, the child’s desire to do things by himself is stimulated, and then through tidying up the classroom To satisfy the feelings of children’s practice. When the children shared their “results”, they couldn’t hide their joy and pride. At the same time, the activities received support from parents from point to surface and the extension of the activities required continuous efforts from the teachers, which is also my deep understanding. The shortcoming is that when children are asked to make statistical tables, due to time constraints, every child is not taken into account. It would be more perfect if it can be supplemented in the later links.

18. The middle class health detailed lesson plan “I am a little environmental protection guard” with reflection

  plan for design:

  Today, people have paid more and more attention to environmental protection awareness. In order to infiltrate environmental protection awareness into activities in various fields, I specially planned this sports event. According to the “Guidelines for the Learning and Development of Children Aged 3~6”, “Children in the middle class can walk a certain distance steadily on narrow and low objects and can drill and climb in various ways such as crawling and hanging their knees” to carry out the activity goals and create a scene of outings to clean up the environment. The main line of emotional training is to cultivate environmental awareness and willingness to participate in sports games, allowing children to practice balance and climbing in the game.

  Activity goal:

  1. Practice balance ability and drilling and climbing, and be able to quickly and balancedly pass through balance beams, plum blossom piles and drill and climb in various ways to improve the coordination of movements.

  2. Have a team spirit of preliminary cooperation and mutual assistance, cultivate environmental protection awareness, and feel the fun of participating in sports games.

  Activity preparation:

  Two balance beams, two caves, several plum blossom piles, venue, music, paper balls, small arrows, etc.

  Guidance points:

  1. Focus of activities: practice balance ability and drilling, and be willing to participate in sports activities;

  2. Difficulties in the activity: be able to pass through balance beams, plum blossom piles and caves smoothly and quickly, and have a team spirit of initial cooperation and mutual assistance;

  3. Guidance points: During the activity, the teacher can try to let the children exercise as much as possible according to the children’s activities, pay attention to the quality of children’s sports at different development levels, and pay attention to remind the children of safety matters in the game.

  activity procedure:

  1. Create situations, warm up activities, and activate emotions.

  Teacher: The weather is really nice today. The teacher is going to take the babies for an outing. Are you ready? Let’s go! Now let’s learn how the teacher does the movements and see who can learn the best.

  Listen to music and do warm-up exercises.

  1. Walking circles: stepping, trotting at a medium speed, walking with both feet alternately, walking slowly with both hands sideways, striding into the arena

  2. Warm-up exercise: head exercise, chest expansion exercise, ankle exercise, foot exercise, forward bending exercise, knee wrapping exercise, hip pressing exercise, breath adjustment and relaxation

  (Since this activity is mainly about walking on the balance beam, plum blossom piles and drilling holes, the focus of the warm-up is on the lower limbs)

  2. Learn independently, develop abilities, and experience fun. (first small movement orgasm)

  Teacher: There are two small bridges ahead. Who can cross the bridge in the fastest way? Tell me how you got there? .

  Teacher: Look, we have come across a small river. How can we get across it? (Discussing and taking measures independently, using plum blossom piles) Tell me how you got across? How did you do it? How can we arrange it to better help us? Crossing the river? Come and learn from him.

  The teacher deepens the difficulty and arranges them in a “zigzag” shape, so that children can bravely challenge.

  Before coming to the cave, who can demonstrate how to quickly pass through this cave? (Different drilling methods are encouraged)

  Walk slowly back to the starting point and adjust your breath.

  (This session creates games based on life-like situations, initially explores the gameplay independently, and encourages children with different development levels to use different methods to practice balancing and drilling holes. From balance beams to plum blossom piles, large caves to small caves, all embody sports Level from easy to difficult, step-by-step practice process.)

  Third, use the situation to play games. (big movement orgasm)

  Teacher: Look, there is so much rubbish on the grass over there, how dirty it is, what should I do?

  1. Divide into two groups, and go to the mountain side to pick up garbage according to the designated route through small bridges, small rivers, and caves to carry out environmental protection actions.

  2. Carry out garbage cleaning activities freely according to the designated route.

  (In this session, children practice independently through games and competitions. They need to exercise as much as possible to ensure the amount of exercise. If there is a phenomenon of running around during the process, you can use the small arrows to help.)

  Fourth, ease the mood, relax the body and mind.

  Teacher’s summary: It’s really comfortable to clean up the environment. The children in our class are all good at protecting the environment. Our environment has become beautiful again. Let’s take pictures to commemorate it. Now hurry up and find a comfortable and loose place to stand. Today, the babies have worked hard. They can bravely and steadily cross small bridges and small rivers. They are not afraid of difficulties and have the courage to accept challenges. They have also cleaned up our environment. Take a break.

  (Children relax with the music and adjust their breathing.)

  Teacher: I had a really good time today, let us take this beautiful memory back and share it with our friends.

  Activity reflection:

  Only when young children are willing to participate in sports activities and actively participate in the activities can they achieve the long-term development goal of actively exercising their bodies. To make young children like and actively participate in sports activities, the key is to let them experience the fun of activities. The provision and use of materials is the key factor for children to experience the fun. The choice of materials should conform to the characteristics of gamification, and interesting materials will arouse the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of children’s activities.

19. Middle class health detailed lesson plan “I can wear clothes” with reflection

  event design background

  Dr. James, an authoritative expert in pediatrics in the United States once said: “Dependence itself breeds laziness, lax spirit, laziness in independent thinking, easy to be manipulated by others, etc. Weaknesses such as making arrangements for children everywhere, this is not loving children, but harming children.” This sentence is intriguing.

  Some of our children still need to strengthen their self-care ability, so I designed the lesson “I Can Wear Clothes” specifically on this issue.

  Activity goal

  1. Learn how to dress well.

  2. Know that you have a pair of hardworking hands, and you should do your own things.

  3. Be willing to try boldly and share your experience with your peers.

  4. Develop children’s hands-on ability.

  5. Explore and discover the diversity and characteristics in life.

  Teaching points and difficulties

  Focus: Wear clothes, pants, shoes.

  Difficulties: 1. Whether the buttons are buttoned correctly.

  2. Wear pants to distinguish anyway.

  3. Able to distinguish left and right shoes and tie shoelaces.

  activity preparation

  Children’s tops (button type), trousers, shoes (lace-up type).

  activity procedure

  The beginning part: Do finger exercises to stabilize the children’s emotions.

  Basic part:

  1. Talk

  1. Teacher: You are already children in preschool, what do you think you can do?

  2. Teachers and students summarize together: We can put on (take off) clothes, pants, and shoes by ourselves.

  2. Learn to do things yourself

  1. Learn how to put on (take off) clothes, pants, and shoes.

  (1) Invite a few children to put on their coats (or trousers, shoes) in front, ask other children to observe carefully, and talk about: how do they wear them? Whose method is better? Why?

  Children freely discuss and answer the above questions.

  (2) The teacher demonstrates the basic essentials of putting on (taking off) clothes, pants and shoes:

  When you put on your clothes, make sure that the buttons are buttoned correctly. Buckle the placket after it is aligned, so that the placket will not appear one long and one short.

  For trousers, first of all, you must distinguish the front and back before wearing them, and wear them with the front facing up. Do not wear two legs in one trouser leg.

  For shoes, first distinguish the shoes of the left and right feet, and do not wear reverse shoes. Learn to tie your shoelaces after wearing them, and don’t tie dead buttons.

  (3) Let the children re-dress themselves (buttoned clothes) under the guidance of the teacher

  Encourage children to wear it by themselves frequently in the future, because we all have a pair of hardworking hands, and when we grow up, we can do our own things by ourselves.

  3. Curriculum expansion, further learning some basic skills of self-care in life

  The teacher demonstrates the method of organizing objects, and explains the correct method and basic essentials of organizing objects. For example, how to organize schoolbags, teachers take children’s schoolbags as an example and reorganize them.

  Let the children in the class reorganize their schoolbags.

  Ending part: Guide children to help parents do what they can do at home

  teaching reflection

  In this “I Can Wear Clothes” course, the teacher provided enough props for the children to facilitate the hands-on activities of the children! Matters, such as putting on clothes, trousers, shoes to distinguish anyway; learning to organize schoolbags to cultivate children’s hands-on ability; the more difficult aspect is the way children tie shoelaces. The teacher brings practice to each child with a shoe, and encourages children Do what you can, praise him for a little progress, and become good friends with them.

  In short, the cultivation of children’s self-care ability is a long-term and lengthy process. Teachers should teach by example, carry out more activities to cultivate self-care ability, communicate more with parents of children with poor self-care ability, and guide them to do some things at home that cooperate with school activities. Only in this way can children form good habits better and faster, have a certain ability to take care of themselves, and let children have a good childhood.

20. The middle class music detailed lesson plan “I am a little dandelion” with reflection

  Design ideas:

  Young children are full of curiosity about nature. There are all kinds of plants in nature, and dandelions are one of them. I remember being very curious about dandelions when I was a child. They look fluffy. Like a parachute, it is as light as a feather. We think dandelions are more attractive to young children than other plants. In addition to stimulating their imagination and creativity. We think it is also a very An extension of good scientific activities. It is more conducive to children’s understanding and memory to express the rhythm from the characteristics of dandelion growth. Therefore, we designed this activity.

  Activity goal:

  1. Preliminarily familiar with and feel the melody of the music, and be able to perform dances according to the teacher’s prompts.

  2. Based on existing experience and skills, boldly create actions.

  Activity preparation:

  1. audio tape, tape recorder, video tape, video recorder

  2. Four-color pompoms, 6 of each kind. (depending on the situation of the class), let the children wear them on the wrist, and the same color is a group.

  3. Children know the shape and sowing form of dandelions, and can understand simple dance diagrams.

  activity procedure:

  1. Import

  1. Spring is here, Miss Chun brought us a gift (take out the box), do you want to know what is inside the box?

  Ask a child to open the box and take out a dandelion.

  2. Guidance

  1. The teacher asked the children to tell what they saw?;. The source was taught by Teacher Kuaisi. case network; what does it look like?

  2. The teacher asks the children to come up and blow it to see if there is any change?

  3. The teacher guides the children to watch the video (the dandelion on the grass is swaying in the wind, the wind blows over, and the dandelion seeds float away…) After watching, ask the children to talk about how to express it with actions.

  4. The teacher extracts the characteristic movements, and lets the created children do the movements rhythmically under the accompaniment of the teacher humming the tune. And lead all the children to practice.

  5. Let the children look at the color of their pompoms and identify their own group. Each group is a dandelion.

  6. All children perform freely with the music.

  7. The teacher combines the actions created by the children and performs them for the children.

  8. The teacher recites the story and lets the children listen to the music and perform a complete performance.

  9. According to the children’s responses, the teacher extracts the children’s favorite and most exciting actions again, let the children practice repeatedly, and focus on guiding the children who have difficulties.

  10. Children practice with the music again. The activity is over.

  Recitation content:

  It was a sunny afternoon, and the wind was blowing gently. It was very light, very light. Suddenly, the wind picked up, and the baby dandelion left its mother and followed the mother-in-law of the wind, flying and flying, just about to land on the grass, Another gust of wind blows. The baby dandelion is flying again, flying and flying, flying high. Huh? The wind stopped, and the baby dandelion is dangling and falling from the sky. Some of them landed on the ground. By the pond, some fell under the willow tree, and some fell among the flowers. It rained and it rained. The baby dandelion opened its mouth and drank water happily. Gradually, the baby dandelion grew up and grew longer The taller they grow, the higher they grow. Some grow as tall as their mothers, and some grow taller. After a while, they bloom. Many dandelion babies grow on their bodies, and they also become mothers! (self-created)

  Dance structure (suggested):

  Paragraph 1: The dandelion babies wearing pompoms of the same color are together and form several circles.

  The second paragraph: The dandelion babies are scattered.

  The third paragraph: regroup into several dandelions (free combination, one person, two people, three people…the number of each flower is not limited)

  Activity reflection:

  Bring children to the palace of music through relaxed and lively rhythmic forms, mobilize children’s enthusiasm and emotion in learning music, and when learning songs, teachers sing first to let students experience the emotions of songs. Let the children sing softly to feel the emotion of the songs, so that the children can learn the songs and sing well without knowing it. In order to develop children’s creativity, let children make up their own actions, so that the activity atmosphere reaches a climax. Unknowingly mastered the song, but also played a child’s creative ability, truly achieved the purpose of teaching.

21. The middle class social detailed lesson plan “You are happy, I am happy” with reflection

  design background

  For the current only child who is all self-centered, unable to experience the pain of others, and take the initiative to care for others, the bad phenomenon is particularly serious, and there are often ridicules based on the pain of others. The purpose is to let children in a situational and relaxed atmosphere inspire children to care for the people around them, help others solve difficulties and pain desires and emotions, cultivate children’s caring and friendly attitudes and behaviors, promote the healthy development of children’s personality, and pave the way for their future success. Build a good quality of life.

  Activity goal

  1. Knowledge goal: Through observation and communication, know that helping others can bring happiness to yourself and others.

  2. Ability goal: be able to try to use painting to express how you help others, and be able to boldly express the content of painting in complete language.

  3. Emotional goals: In autonomous activities, experience the joy of helping others.

  4. Willing to interact with peers and teachers, and like to express their own ideas.

  5. Show the cute side of the child in the activity.

  main difficulty

  Key points: Through observation and communication, I know that helping others can bring happiness to myself and others.

  Difficulties: Can try to express the method of helping others by painting, and can boldly express the content of the painting in complete language.

  activity preparation

  Courseware, pictures corresponding to the content of the courseware, recording paper, watercolor pens, display boards, and physical projectors.

  activity procedure

  (1) Introduce the topic of “I am happy” to stimulate children’s interest in participation

  ——How can children make themselves happy? (Playing games, spending time with good friends, receiving praise, receiving rewards from their parents, receiving gifts…)

  ——There are still some people today who also have a way to make themselves happy. Do you want to know what way? Let us take a look together.

  (Scheduling children have experience, the way to perceive their own happiness is to be helped by others to make themselves happy, and set up doubts to stimulate interest, naturally introduce children into new activities, and stimulate children to actively explore the ways to make themselves happy different ways.)

  Through the first link, children’s existing experience can be fully adjusted, and children’s interest and motivation in participating in activities can be stimulated by asking questions, paving the way for the construction of new knowledge.

  (2) Know that helping others can bring happiness to yourself and others through observation and communication.

  1. Appreciate the courseware in sections, and initially experience the mood of others when they encounter difficulties.

  ——What difficulties did you find that the people in the short film encountered? (Children answer and show the corresponding pictures: things dropped on the ground, accidentally fell on the ground, sitting on a chair and talking on the phone about to fall, unable to put heavy loads pulled up the ramp)

  (Inspire children according to the pictures)

  ——Take a look at how they feel when they encounter difficulties? (Show emoticons accordingly)

  (By watching short videos, guide children to initially experience the mood of others when they encounter difficulties, and stimulate children’s positive emotions in helping others)

  2. Appreciate the courseware again, and feel that helping others can bring happiness to yourself and others.

  ——How did you find out how to solve their difficulties? (Someone helped them)

  - How did these people help them?

  ——The child answers and shows the corresponding pictures (someone helps him pick up the fallen ones, lift up the fallen ones, lift up the falling ones, and help the workers push the heavy goods up the slope)

  ——How do you find the mood of the person receiving help in the courseware? (Happy, happy, happy, happy) (corresponding to the expression picture)

  ——Why? (Someone will help you when you are in trouble)

  ——What do you think about the mood of people who help others? (Show emoticons accordingly)

  ——Why? (I helped people in difficulty)

  (Guide children to observe the changes in expressions and moods of those who help others and those who receive help, and perceive that helping others can bring happiness to themselves and others.)

  3. Constructed according to the comparison of pictures: help others when they encounter difficulties, you will be happy, I will be happy, and everyone will be happy.

  (Children process information independently according to pictures, and build independently)

  Through this stage, the key points of this activity are completed, allowing children to feel the joy of awareness, joy and discovery during observation and communication, knowing that helping others can bring happiness to themselves and others, paving the way for breaking through difficulties.

  (3) Try to use painting to express how you help others, and be able to express the content of the painting in complete language.

  1. Children freely talk about how they help others

  2. Children try to express their ways of helping others by drawing

  3. Children communicate independently about painting content and experience the joy of helping others

  ① Free exchange of drawing content

  ②Show the physical projector and tell about the painting content individually

  In this link, children experienced the joy of helping others through painting and communication. In the interactive display, the children’s desire to actively communicate their individual experience with their peers is stimulated, and the display and performance of the individual experience is maximized.

  (4) Collective construction and improvement

  ——The children helped so many people today and made them happy. How do you feel?

  ——What do you want to do most when you are happy?

  Through this link, children’s original individual knowledge and experience are independently constructed into collective knowledge and experience. <Source. Source Kuaisijiao. Project Network> Children can independently reorganize their knowledge structure and complete their own learning in an open and free space. The process of processing information and constructing a new knowledge experience that “helping others can bring happiness to oneself and others” finally breaks through the focus of the activity.

  teaching reflection

  This activity insists on taking children as the main body. Teachers create a loose and free exploration space and a real situational environment for children to give full play to children’s autonomy, so that children can construct new knowledge and experience in a free and open environment. The teacher insists on being an “enthusiasm and active encourager, supporter, and effective and prudent guide”, and according to the needs of children, he will give inspiration and help according to the needs of children spiritually and strategically, so that children can follow the correct path in a free environment. The direction keeps moving forward. The whole activity stimulates children’s curiosity and desire for knowledge with emotion and passion, and gives full play to the role of teacher-student interaction, so that children can learn in real emotional experience and change from passive to active, which truly embodies the “people-oriented”. “The educational thought.

22. Middle class music detailed lesson plan “Let love live in my home” with reflection

  Design ideas:

  The “Outline” clearly points out that the goal of art activities is to make children willing to participate in activities and express their emotions and experiences boldly. The song “Let Love Live in My Home” is very infectious, with a beautiful, soothing melody and a soft atmosphere. The song is sung by three family members in different roles, vividly expressing the beautiful emotions of family harmony and love, and making people feel Happiness and happiness, so I designed this singing activity, hoping to bring children into a warm and loving imaginary space with the help of songs, enrich their emotional experience and experience beautiful emotions.

  Activity goal:

  1. Be willing to participate in music appreciation activities, and appreciate the soft, soothing melody and warm atmosphere of songs.

  2. Combined with life experience, learn to use actions to express understanding of lyrics.

  3. Experience the beautiful emotion of love among family members.

  4. Cultivate children’s sense of musical rhythm and develop their expressive power.

  5. Be willing to participate in music activities and experience the joy in music activities.

  Activity preparation:

  1. Material preparation: CD, sign language video; pictures of parents, sons and sisters, and family portraits.

  activity procedure:

  1. Conversation: Recall the plot of the story.

  (1) We have heard the story of ” Papa Lion and Mother Hedgehog”. Why did the mother in the story become mother hedgehog?

  (2) Ask: “Why did daddy become a lion daddy?”

  (3) Question: “Do you like a home that quarrels all day? What kind of home do you like?” Transition: “The teacher brought a nice song today. The name of the song is “Let Love Live in My Home”. Let’s hear what this home is like, shall we?”

  2. Enjoy the song.

  Teacher’s instruction: What does the home in the song look like? Do you like it? How do you feel?

  Transitional language: Happy things happen every day in a happy family. Who is there in this loving family? [Teaching plan from: Kuaisi Teaching Plan Network.] What do they think love is? Let’s close our eyes and be quiet Come and listen quietly.

  3. Appreciate the song again, and further feel the harmonious and warm atmosphere of the song.

  Ask: Who is in this loving family? What do they think love is?

  4. Appreciate in sections.

  The first paragraph: (1) “What does my sister think love is?

  (Show picture) Love is not to quarrel, play with me.

  Second paragraph: (2) “Then what does mother think love is?

  (Show picture) Love is to endure all the complicated things in the family. There are a lot of things at home, which is complicated, but my mother never gets bored, she always cleans up the house patiently, and cooks delicious meals for us. This is mother’s love and makes us feel more comfortable. “

  The third paragraph: (3) “Then what is father’s love?

  (Show picture) Dad’s love is to give everything in the family.

  The fourth paragraph: (4) “Look, this is a happy family, everyone is giving their own love and enjoying the love of others; love is in your home, love is in my home, love is in ours Family.”

  5. Appreciate the song completely, join the action freely while enjoying it, and enjoy the warmth of the family.

  (Teacher: “Let us express our love for home with our beautiful voice and beautiful movements.” The teacher and the children perform together with movements)

  6. Appreciate the deaf-mute sign language performance.

  Children, we are happy babies, we have the love of our parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, we can say it with our small mouths, and we can also do it with actions. But there is a group of people who can’t hear, can’t speak, and can only speak with their hands. Let’s take a look.

  7. Summary:

  Activity reflection:

  ”Our kindergarten is also a big happy family. The children grow up happily in this family. Let us keep this feeling of happiness and happiness with us forever!

  The education of love is an eternal theme in today’s society. In our kindergarten, we are also experiencing love all the time. In some activities, it is often found that children’s experience of love cannot be deepened, perhaps because of their age characteristics, but more I think that children are growing up under the aura of love, and they receive love from all sides every day , This makes children unconsciously feel their core position and subtly develops the consciousness of “acceptance is what they should”. And that’s the crux of being everywhere today. I think that while letting children experience the feeling of being loved, let them know that they should also love others. Therefore, it is particularly important to implement gratitude education to children in early childhood.

23. Detailed teaching plan for middle class music open class “Welcome to my home” with reflection

  【Design ideas】

  1. Analysis of the theme and children’s experience

  ”I Love My Family” is a theme activity launched at the beginning of the middle class. During the development of the theme of “I Love My Family”, the children gained various experiences in the theme, learned about their own home, their family members, and tried to I want to learn to be a little master, love others, and love my own home, but because the current children are only children, most of them are self-centered, and children seldom go out to visit friends’ homes or let more friends visit As guests at home, what the children lack in the process of learning to be little hosts is warm hospitality. This activity is designed based on the lack of emotion in the children’s theme experience.

  2. Analysis of materials

  The song “Welcome to my house” is a 2/4 beat song with a cheerful melody and simple and clear lyrics. The lyrics of “This is my house, my home, welcome to my house” is an emotional welcome to more good friends. Go to your own home as a guest, or you can go out to a friend’s home to be a guest. The rhythm is easy to master, and the difficulty of the song is to start with a weak rhythm. The characteristics of children learning to sing songs in the first semester of the middle class are still in the imitation stage. He likes to imitate and sing with the teacher. This song is mainly suitable for children in the middle class with a cheerful melody and meaningful lyrics. Learning happily in the context.

  3. Links and key and difficult points analysis:

  Learning to sing songs is generally based on teachers teaching children to sing, which is a bit boring. In this activity, I aimed at the age characteristics of middle class children and used interesting situations to let children learn to sing songs. Four links were preset:

  The first session: Little Rabbit’s house as a guest——feel the melody of the song

  With the help of the “Little Rabbit’s Guest” situation, the children clapped their hands along with the melody of the song, initially felt the melody of the whole song, and paved the way for mastering the rhythm of the song later.

  The second part: Duckling’s guest – understand the rhythm and lyrics of the song

  Use the media interaction method and the listening method to let the children feel the rhythm of the song carefully and listen to the lyrics. The purpose is to let them feel the content of the lyrics rhythmically. Get familiar with it slowly. Use the media demonstration method to let the children fully appreciate the songs, and use the action suggestion method to guide the children to master the weak rhythm of the songs, and then let the children learn to sing the songs initially through teacher demonstrations and group singing.

  The third session: The Smurfs’ house as a guest—singing with different timbres

  The difficult content of this activity, the children who just came up in the first stage of the middle class gradually pay attention to using some breath in the process of singing, and some methods can sing better and more beautiful voices. Sister and Papa Blue are two cartoon characters. Sister Blue has a very sweet singing voice, a girl’s voice, and it is sweet when she sings; Papa Blue, with a rough voice, guides children to sing nicely with a round mouth. sound. And through comparison, let the children feel different singing voices, and let the children know that the original small voice can sing songs with different voices in different ways.

  The fourth link: Come to our house as a guest – sing songs

  In this stage, situational methods, language guidance, and situational hints are used to guide singing step by step. Situational language is used to suggest that children sing in the house, requiring a small voice to sing, and the second time situational language is used to suggest that children sing at the gate, requiring a loud voice. One point, when singing the third time, you can have a more beautiful voice, jump more, you can sing with amplified voice, and guide the children to sing with emotion.

  [Content and Requirements] Feel the cheerful melody of the song, and learn to sing the song happily in an interesting situation.

  【Materials and Environment Creation】Multimedia courseware, music.

  【activity procedure】

  1. A guest at Xiaotu’s house——feel the melody of the song

  Inductor: Whose house is this? (Little Rabbit) Let’s go over and have a look. (Cross the bridge and walk across the grass to see whose home it is)

  Teacher and child: Dong Dong Dong, hello, are you at home? (Little Rabbit)

  Help the little rabbit transport the radish and feel the melody of the song again.

  2. A guest at the Duckling’s house – learning to sing songs

  Teacher: Whose house are we going to visit next?

  1. Familiar with the lyrics.

  (Playing duckling singing) Teacher: Duckling is welcoming us warmly, what did you hear?

  Key questions: How did the duckling introduce you? How did he greet us? How many times did he say hello?

  Summary: The teacher summarizes the content of the song based on the children’s answers.

  2. Master the rhythm.

  Key question: The voice of the little duck is very nice, how is it different from our usual speech?

  Summary: His voice is bouncy and rhythmic.

  Teacher: Let’s use our little hands to try to help the little duck beat the rhythm. What else can I use besides helping with my hands?

  Children grasp the rhythm of the song by clapping their hands and stamping their feet.

  3. Fully feel the song

  Question: Duckling will also welcome us with a nice singing voice. What is he singing? (Appreciate the song for the first time)

  The teacher makes a summary with the content of the song.

  Key question: How does the duckling’s singing sound? (Appreciate the song for the second time)

  Summary: It’s really happy to see us as a guest Duckling, and it’s so happy to sing and dance.

  Let’s learn the duck’s nice voice together. (Children sing collectively for the first time)

  Teacher demonstration: Duckling couldn’t hold back his joy and invited us. Duckling is very anxious and wants to sing quickly. Let’s try again.

  Teacher’s language and movement guidance (children sing collectively for the second time)

  3. The Smurfs’ house as a guest—singing with different timbres

  Transitional language: There are still many friends in the big forest, let’s see which mysterious friend will be next?

  1. Sing with a sweet jumping voice

  Character 1: Blue Sister

  Key question: Guess who this is? How do you know?

  Summary: Smurf Smurf is a girl, and his greeting voice is thin, sweet and bouncing.

  Teacher: Sister Lan said, I like singing the most, please say hello to me.

  Let’s say hello to Smurfly with her nice voice.

  Teachers and children sing together.

  2. Sing with a rough bouncing voice

  Character 2: Papa Blue

  Teacher: There are many elves living in the elf village, who else is there?

  Key question: This is Papa Lan, what’s the difference between his voice and Sister Lan’s?

  Summary: Papa Blue’s singing voice is rough and bouncing.

  Question: How can we sing the same voice as Papa Blue?

  Summary: It turns out that the voice is low, the mouth is open and round, and our singing is as beautiful as Papa Lan.

  Individual singing, group singing.

  4. Come to our house as a guest – sing songs

  Transitional language: Gargamel is here, and the Smurfs say we should move quickly, where do you think they moved to?

  Key question: Do you want to invite the Smurfs to come in as a guest? The Smurfs said that I like good singing voices the most? I will come when I hear good singing voices.

  Requirements: 1. Use a small voice; 2. Use a loud voice; 3. Use a jumping one.

  Summary: The elves said, your voice is so nice, we really want to play with you.

  Ending: Let’s invite more good friends to our home.

  Reflection on teaching:

  The children are very interested. Through this activity, we also know that as long as the children are interested in something, they will give you unexpected surprises. Therefore, in future activities, we should start from the interests of the children and come to Improve the quality of activities, because interest is the best teacher for young children.

24. Reflection on the detailed teaching plan of the middle class society “Save water, start from me”

  plan for design:

  Water is the lifeline for human beings to survive. my country is a country that lacks fresh water resources and is unevenly distributed in time and space. It is also one of the countries with the poorest per capita water resources in the world. However, China is also the country that consumes the most water in the world. In recent years, in the country’s efforts to accelerate the development of circular economy and build a conservation-oriented society, saving water resources is one of the most important items. The establishment and development of water-saving projects, increased publicity, and pollution prevention systems are to let people understand: saving, not only It is to save money, but also to minimize the consumption of resources to protect our environment and protect our tomorrow.

  In children’s life and games, water can bring them a lot of fun: small water drop travel notes, water is a good friend of human beings, blowing bubbles, ups and downs experiments, wonderful water wheels, color changing and other activities, Young children have been completely conquered by the “magic power” of water. At the same time, we should also let children know about the lack of water resources in the country and the fact that it has already affected human life. Therefore, I designed the activity “Water Conservation Starts with Me” to cultivate children’s awareness of conservation , so that they establish the concept of saving from an early age, and vigorously publicize that everyone around them knows that saving water is everyone’s responsibility.

  Activity goal:

  1. Let children understand the current situation of the country’s water resources, and stimulate their sense of responsibility to save water and protect the environment.

  2. Knowing how to save water should not only start from me, but also vigorously promote it to let everyone know.

  3. Initially cultivate children’s ability to solve problems with existing life experience.

  4. Cultivate children’s keen observation ability.

  5. Explore and discover the diversity and characteristics in life.

  Activity preparation:

  1. Knowledge and experience preparation:

  1. Children have learned about the various uses of water in life and the inseparable relationship between water and human survival through carrying out water-related themed activities.

  2. Let the children observe and record the inappropriate behaviors of wasting water resources in daily life under the guidance of their parents, and discuss with their parents some good ways to save water.

  Second, material preparation:

  1. Multimedia promotional film: the “thirst” of the earth.

  2. A number of line drawings of water-saving posters designed by the teacher, a sample, a number of colored pens, and oil pastels.

  activity procedure:

  1. Talk introduction activities

  1. Question: Children, who can tell me what are the uses of water?

  Young: It can be drunk; it can be used to blow bubbles and run, play games; it can be used to water flowers, it can be used to wash face and feet…

  2. Question: What would happen if there was no water in the world?

  Young: People will not be able to live without water to drink; we will all be dirty without water to bathe; small animals will have no water to drink, flowers and trees will wither; there will be no sea in the world…

  2. Watch the multimedia promotional video, ask the children to talk about what they saw?

  Guidance: Water has so many uses and is very important to human beings, but now many places in our country are seriously short of water, and people there have difficulty even drinking water! Let’s take a look together! (Tian The fields are dry and cannot grow food, the rivers are dry, the ponds are dry and cracked, and the children are scooping water in the puddles…)

  3. Stimulate children’s sympathy and encourage them to save water, starting from me.

  Guidance: Do children feel sorry for the people living there? Do you want to help them? What should we do?

  4. Ask the children to share with their friends the good ways to save water in life discussed with their parents.

  ① Mop the floor with the water used for washing clothes, flush the toilet or water the flowers with the water used for washing vegetables and washing hands.

  ②Turn off the faucet at any time to prevent it from dripping.

  ③Use the water used to wash clothes to wash cars and shoes.

  ④ When washing hands, the water should not be turned on too much, and the faucet must be turned off after flushing the toilet.

  ⑤ When it rains, you can use basins and buckets to catch the rainwater, and save the available ones.


  5. The teacher’s suggestion:

  Guidance: We all know that saving water is very important, but many people don’t know how to do it? The teacher designed an advertisement picture by himself, and wanted to tell people how to save water, but my strength alone is too small, and I need the help of children !

  6. Show the samples of posters, and children are free to group into groups and cooperate with each other to carry out coloring activities, and jointly make water-saving advertisements.

  Extended activities:

  1. Post the prepared water-saving advertisements in kindergartens, community activity centers, and living areas so that more people can see them.

  2. Children and parents are invited to freely design and make some small water-saving signs, and post them in classrooms and places where there is water at home, to remind others to save water.

  Activity reflection:

  In the process of carrying out the themed activity of “Water”, children’s interest has always been very strong, especially in the operation activities, children have basically understood the use of water, simple physical state changes, and the ups and downs of objects. During the operation, water is sometimes spilled outside; when washing hands or going to the toilet in daily life, some children may forget to turn off the faucet or spray the water when it is turned too high. (.Source Kuaisi Teacher Teaching Plan Network) Modern society advocates the construction of an environmentally friendly and energy-saving society. It is very important to cultivate children’s awareness and concepts from an early age, and it allows children to independently discover bad habits in life. While urging others, they also urge Myself, after this activity, the children can supervise each other in their lives, and their awareness and concept of water conservation have been greatly improved.

  During the activity, since the child’s age limits the child’s ability to observe and record, I make full use of parental resources to let the child and parents discover and solve problems from the bits and pieces in life, and at the same time increase the publicity strength. The multimedia promotional video allows children to truly come into contact with the scenes that they cannot see in their lives, arouses children’s sympathy, and makes water conservation a voluntary responsibility for children. They are also particularly active in the production of publicity advertisements. and earnestly. It is a pity that the children work together in the process of coloring, and the awareness of mutual cooperation is somewhat lacking. Sometimes there will be disputes over the coloring of the same place, which requires the adjustment of the teacher. In future activities, we must pay attention to strengthening children’s The cultivation of cooperative consciousness.

25. Middle class health detailed lesson plan “I can dress myself” with reflection ·

  event design background

  In order to provide children with their own things to do by themselves, exercise children’s hands-on ability and independent ability, so that children can take care of themselves after leaving their mothers and master the most basic life skills.

  Activity goal

  1. Understand the meaning of dressing neatly and learn to do your own things.

  2. Learn to dress properly and be able to dress by yourself.

  3. Learn to tidy up and organize clothes.

  4. Develop children’s hands-on ability.

  5. Explore and discover the diversity and characteristics in life.

  Teaching points and difficulties

  I insist on dressing myself every day, and learn to dress myself in a real sense to reduce the burden on my mother.

  activity preparation

  1. Several pieces of clothes with buttons and zippers.

  2. Several pieces of clothes of different materials.

  3. Several Barbie dolls and their clothes.

  activity procedure

  1. Hello, children! Today the teacher invited some of your good friends! (Show Barbie dolls) Do you like it? (Like) What do children like about Barbie dolls? ) (hair, clothes, shoes, etc.) The teacher is asking: Who helped you get dressed after you got up in the morning? okay?

  2. Let the children compare the differences between the two clothes.

  (1) The teacher asks two children who wear buttons and zippers to show the actions of buttoning and pulling zippers. Some teachers explained that the way to put on clothes will be different due to the different buttons and zippers.

  (2) The teacher demonstrates the methods and steps of buttoning buttons and pulling zippers.

  (3) Divide the children into several groups, distribute one piece of clothing to each group, and let the children practice the actions of buttoning buttons and pulling zippers.

  (4) The teacher checks and guides the movements, and pays attention to how to deal with the children after taking off their clothes.

  3. The teacher teaches the children to organize their clothes.

  (1) The teacher randomly threw three or four pieces of clothes on the table, and then reminded the children to fold the clothes they took off, while explaining and demonstrating the actions.

  (2) Ask each group to practice folding the clothes. The teacher arranges all the folded clothes neatly on the table in front.

  (3) Teacher: The organized clothes are like putting them in a closet. They are neat and all colors can be seen clearly. It is easy to take and beautiful.

  4. Game: Dress up contest.

  (1) Set the start point and end point, put a folded garment with buttons at the start point, and put a folded garment with zipper at the end point. And tell the children to wait until the changed clothes should be folded neatly as they are now.

  (2) Please divide each group of children into two groups, one group is at the starting point and the other group is at the end point.

  (3) After the children at the starting point put on buttoned clothes, they run to the end point, take off their clothes and fold them; the children at the end point put on zipper clothes, run to the starting point, take off their clothes and fold them. Another toddler. The teacher should always remind the children to buckle the buttons to the right holes, and to make the clothes tidy; the children next to them can help to check and organize.

  (4) The team that completes the fastest wins.

  5. Game development: dress Barbie and help the doll organize clothes.

  (1) Group into groups to dress Barbie dolls.

  (2) Let the children take off their clothes and fold them neatly before putting them on. (Complete within the specified time) Exercise children’s sense of time.

  6. Finally, educate children to do their own things, put on their own clothes, arrange their own clothes and other routine things.

  teaching reflection

  1. What children lack nowadays is hands-on ability, and many things are arranged by their parents.

  2. The process of learning how to put on and organize clothes is very simple, but the difficulty lies in the children’s persistence in doing this.

  3. Early childhood is the best time to cultivate good living habits and study habits, and good living habits can accompany and affect him throughout his life, so in daily life, let children strengthen the cultivation and development of habits .

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